You need to avoid buying all those sweet treats and industrial products packed with salt! So, make sure you write a shopping list and stick to it! This will help you avoid buying things that aren't on the list! What a efficient way to get our shopping done and also to control your budget! Try to stay strict with yourself! Don't succumb to temptation. It's essential to take the time to properly prepare your list so you don't forget anything. You can prepare several shopping lists, depending on the time of year or what you're doing! For example, one list can be devoted to food, the other to other cleaning and personal hygiene products. Be aware that very simple solutions exist to manage your shopping lists - there are lots of phone apps out there! When you're in the supermarket itself, it's important to set rules for yourself - the main one being: if it's not on the list, don't buy it! It couldn't be easier!
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